Original work collection
AstroDori aims to shape a glimpse of the soul through various works such as poetry books, diaries, digital products, etc. Through these, she hopes to enliven the hearts of all those who are looking for the purpose of their own life and the joy of existing authentically, because each of us is one, and can only become himself.
Poetry for the Soul. Simple yet heart-penetrating messages that many of us resonate with. This book will make you think about yourself in many enriching ways.
The perfect companion for the poetry book. The Journal's goal is to provide an output for your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and deepest desires. It teaches how to be happier, more relaxed, more optimistic, and have more fulfilling relationships with those you love.
このダイアリーの目標は、あなたの感情や思考、そして最も深い欲望のはけ口を提供すること。 より幸せに、より落ち着いていて、より楽観的に