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Life has a Purpose!

In Astrology of God by David Cammegh, it says that

"You are making a mistake if you consider that we have a 'purpose'.

For that suggests achievement and striving. At the most fundamental

level, we just grow in Knowledge ..... There are no real purpose - there just is what happens when Nothing relates to Knowledge.

That is all."

After reading this book, I understood that

Knowledge is the Whole Meaning of Life, seen from above. It's like a spiral that surrounds everything. It's the Truth, when the world that humans perceive is only a little reality of the Truth.Knowledge contains all the positive feelings the Divine has created.

Humans can grow in Knowledge. I love this idea. However, in my view, believing that you have a purpose is not a mistake. Why? How can you grow in Knowledge if you don't fulfil a purpose in life? You don't grow. You only get stuck in destructive patterns, never realizing that you were born with a purpose. You also don't realize that this purpose you were born with brings alongKnowledge, the moment you achieve your purpose.

For instance, the following is an extreme example. If you live your life as a criminal, doing only bad until the end of your days, how will you get true Knowledge? You'll only loose yourself more and more. But what if you realize your purpose is to overcome these auto-destructive behavior, which will bring you true satisfaction and spiritual growth? By achieving this purpose, you've already grown in Knowledge (because you have realized the true satisfaction of giving up bad for good, with some good consequences along the way).

We might think of this process like this: every human being has a purpose (or purposes) and a Purpose (the ultimate Purpose). The diference between these two could be the following:

- purpose is different for each one of us, it depends on our character, our personality, our desires or our level of spiritual growth

(the purpose of overcoming stubborness and being more receptive to other people; the purpose of maintaining good realtionships with your family etc.)

- Purpose could be the same for all of us (reaching the perfect Knowledge)

Jesus said, ' ... what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.'

Based on these, purpose might be included in Purpose. Also, the ultimate Purpose could be achieved if the individual first achieves the little purposes in life.

Opinions might be vast, but I resonate well with the "every human being has a purpose" idea.

What is your opinion about the Life Purpose?

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