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May-July 2016: Increase your financial good luck with a new, beautiful wallet!

With the Sun/Venus conjunction in the sky, a tendency to focus on the material side of life and financial situation will be strong, as Venus represents material attachments and money (this tendency is going to be more pronounced until July this year).

Everybody needs beautiful things and of course, money, and these months are a great opportunity to seek out fortune!

One of the ways to attract money is Feng Shui. Taniguchi Rei-sensei writes in her book, " Power Charge Feng Shui" (that I am reading right now), that purchasing a new, beautiful wallet attracts financial good luck ! Why? Because if you treat money with resp

ect, and keep it in a beautiful, practical wallet, with enough space to sort it out, MONEY will start loving you and will start coming to you!!

When you choose a wallet, consider your lucky Feng Shui color, or a gold or silver wallet. Also, any other color you feel attracted to the moment you purchase the wallet will wear you good luck! (There should be a spiritual message hidden within that color, so trust your intuition when buying it)

Happy Shopping!





谷口先生の本によると、お金は綺麗な財布を持っている人たちを好きになる。だったら、古くなった財布を捨て、綺麗な財布を買いましょう!ラッキーからーは、Feng Shuiでわかった自分のラッキーからー、またはゴルドやシルバー。また、財布を買いに行った時に「この色いいな〜」と思ったら、その色にしても大丈夫のようです。(その色には、自分への隠されたメッセージがあるでしょう)

ではでは、楽しいお買い物を! (私も、さっそく綺麗な財布を買いに行きま〜す)✩

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