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June 3: Everything is unfolding as it should

Today's (June 3rd) lucky message: "South Node"

The South Node represents your past.

Today, we may tend to think about our past, about the happiness we felt at a certain time, but also about the uneasiness or sorrow we have experienced.

The "South Node" advises us to remember what the past has taught us, what was the "lesson". It also advises to accept and love this "lesson", and to use it to create our future. The past holds the key to future happiness, but we need to look forward and believe that... everything is unfolding the way it should.




過去では、どんな事が起きても、その経験から勉強になった「学び」を考えてみましょう!その「学び」は、未来に繋がるチャンスよ! だから、過去から学んだ事を受け入れて、未来を信じて一歩踏み出しましょう!この気持ちは、良い結果を呼び押せるはずです。

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