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Ava Gardner's Unconscious Expectations in a Relationship

Before starting, I mention that I use a special, unique technique for these interpretations.

This technique asks for "worksheets", and my interpretations are based on the important information sorted out through the worksheets.

Ava's perception of her parents sets out her expectations in any love relationship!

Gardner's Father is Venus in Scorpio in the 4th House.

Gardner's Mother is Mars in Pisces in the 8th House.

First of all, the father has Detriment and Face, while the mother has Triplicity. The father is way weaker compared to the mother, which can mean that Ava Gardner has perceived her mother as being more powerful in the relationship.

Second, the mother has a total of 8 votes on Venus' BOD*, while Venus has a total of 4 votes on Mars'BOD. This clearly shows that Gardner have seen both parents as having a deep connection to each other, with the mother “being the boss”. The mother had the control in the relationship, highly supporting and influencing the father. The father had also had a certain amount of influence over the mother, but he probably used to show his fears and worries to her most of the time, if we consider Venus' level of debility.

The father is in his own house which it rules (ruler of the 4th in the 4th), meaning that he was meeting his role as a father at home. He was always there for the wife and children, caring for them and supporting them. There is a possibility that the father was spending most of his time at home, while the mother was making money outside.

Venus and Mars are trine by sign, both being in Water, showing that Gardner's parents had a good basic compatibility level.

Pluto and Chiron semisquare Venus, which could mean that there were some issues with control coming from the father, and a possible core wound Ava may have resented concerning her father.

Mars is conjunct Uranus and trine Pluto, showing that Gardner saw her mother as being unpredictable, eccentric and possibly unreliable at times. In addition, the mother may have also tried to maintain control over her family, being a very strong character. The father could do nothing to stop her, so he probably used to let her have the last word.

So, what is Gardner going to expect in her love relationships?

Considering all the things above, Ava Gardner may expect that in a romantic relationship, she will have the absolute control over the family, so she will “wear the pants” in the family.

Although she expects that her husband will share deep bonds and emotional connection with her, so they will be together as a “team”, the final word will always be Gardner's.

Maybe she expects her partner to spend much time at home (Venus in 4th), while she will be in charge of the financial aspect of the relationship, handling and organizing their money, paying debts and taxes (Mars in 8th).

Now, will this kind of relationship Gardner expects (based on the blueprint), make her feel Safe and Validated in the long run?

Well, Gardner indeed needs intense emotional connections, as the element Water is strong in her chart. However, she has unconscious issues with power and control (she's expecting to control the relationship), which has, unfortunately, a negative effect over her capacity to feel Safe and Validated.

If she understands that control is not the solution for a happy, well organized family life, and if she accepts to give more power to her future partner, he will eventually do his best for her and the family.

As a consequence, Gardner will start to trust her partner more, and this trust will ultimately make her feel Safe and Validated.


* Venus' BOD - Venus' Board of Directors, which shows the most influential planets that, through their qualities, can contribute to someone's ability to feel Loved and Validated (Venus)

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