I can see Change・「変化」が見えてくる
After a couple of days on the sea of life, I can see the CHANGE-shore in front of us...
I am talking about Uranus which is pretty active right now. Uranus was inconjunct Mars between July 10 - July 13, square Mercury on July 11 and 12, it is now squaring the Sun until July 18, and will be inconjunct Jupiter between August 8 - August 18.
All these aspects translate as sudden events (Uranus) which have triggered our ability of self-control and concentration (Mars), especially between 10-13 of July.
(I broke a jar on the13th! >_<)
Some of us may have felt bored with the daily routine, because of a lack of inspiring ideas (Mercury).
In August, we may start to think about what we want to do with our life from now, depending on our beliefs and higher aspirations (Jupiter). This will also happen through some unexpected events. Some of us may feel thrilled to walk on the path of a new, adventurous journey to Change and Self-development, whatever we may encounter on this path.
Enjoy the journey!
☆ 天の星たちは、自分を強くする時期を現すもの。☆