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Autumn Fashion! 秋のファッションタイム!(JP&EN)

Autumn Fashion! 秋のファッションタイム!

はじめに、秋の星座たちに『Happy Birthday!』

Happy Birthday、てんびん座

Happy Birthday、さそり座

Happy Birthday、いて座








そして、気分も楽しくなるので、プチ幸運を得られます! ちなみに、秋のカラーには素晴らしい意味があります!




赤は「パッション」。 つまり、秋は、パッションやあたたかみのある優しい心を持ちながら明るく過ごす季節です。現実的に行動をする傾向もあるので、バランスのいい季節ですね。



Welcome to Autumn Fashion!

First of all, Happy Birthday to you, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius!

As it is autumn and we may feel a little blue (I usually do and many people around me say the same thing), I thought about raising up the spirits. :)

Autumn. It rains much. The green fades away. It gets colder little by little (or suddenly!). These things can make us feel nostalgic. It can drain our energy too. The result is the good luck and fortune slipping away from us. Don't let those frustrating feelings get into your way! Keep that good luck and positive flow of energy in your hands!

One of the ways to keep the positive flow of energy and attract pleasant events into your life is through FASHION. Fashion is fun. Fashion is a way to express yourself. Your fashion style speaks to the world about YOU. And you want it to speak good things.

So play with your daily fashion by adding some autumn colors to it!

Choose orange to express the warmth of your heart. Choose yellow to stay cheerful and happy. Choose red to keep the passion alive. Choose brown to show that you are well-grounded, with your feet on the earth.

These colors embody the message autumn sends to us.

Autumn says:

This is the time to be cheerful (yellow), to show others how big and kind your heart is (orange), and to fill your life path with the passion and action (red) needed to turn your dreams into reality (brown)!

When the leaves turn red, orange and yellow, the whole nature screams this message out for everyone to hear.

Enjoy autumn! ☆☆☆


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