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Brian Clark(ブライアン・クラーク先生)セミナー

3日間も、Brian Clark(ブライアン・クラーク先生)の占星術セミナーに参加してきました!!

1日目は鏡リュウジ先生のワクワク講座もありました!! 今回のテーマは、魂の居場所・ファミリーのライフサイクル・リロケーションでした。




本当にパワーフルなセミナーでした。 先生との出会い、皆さんとの出会い、そして決して忘れられない3日間に感謝です。


この3日間は、大変勉強になり、占星術パワーをいただきました。 私にとってこの経験は、宝物なので、与えられた知識をいつか皆さんにもシェアができたらなと思いながら、今までよりも強い夢が生まれそうです・・・ Famous astrologer Brian Clark has held a fantastic Astrology seminar in Tokyo for 3 days! Japanese astrologer Ryuji Kagami also came on the first day!

Luckily, I was one of the participants at the seminar!! The seminar’s themes were Astrological Symbols and the Soul on the first day, The Family Life Cycle on the second and Relocation Astrology on the third day.

Brian has shared with us valuable information, talking about the magic and practicality of astrology.

He also offered a few profound impressions upon our natal charts.

His message was so deep and impressive that we started to cry while listening to his wonderful insights and everyone's life stories… Astrology is an amazing study of life and soul.

I am deeply grateful for meeting Brian, for also meeting many other wonderful people and for the unforgettable 3 days I have spent with everyone. These 3 days have become so precious to me.

I hope that someday I would share valuable knowledge with people willing to discover the magic of astrology. A stronger dream seems to be born...

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